From Creditors, Predators & Bad Choices, And Will Help You Become a (Bigger) Hero to Your Family!

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Why Maria Shriver Went To The Press

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Oct 4, 2010

My friend, and divorce attorney, Randi Susan Klein, just wrote this very insightful comment on her blog: California is a “no fault” divorce state. That means that a California judge will not listen to arguments about the fact that your ex had extramarital affairs. In fact, you could be sanctioned and ordered to pay a fine…

13 Reasons To File Chapter 13

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Sep 3, 2010

There are many differences between these two types of bankruptcies and many reasons to pick one over the other. Here is my list of 13 reasons that a Chapter 13 might be the right choice: Flexibility: you can dismiss the case at any time or even convert it to a Chapter 7. You can modify…

Will I Lose My House In Bankruptcy?

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Aug 24, 2010

As a Ventura bankruptcy lawyer, I help a lot of people through the Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy process. This is perhaps the single most common question I’m asked. It makes sense. Your home is more than drywall and a kitchen. It’s the place you raise your kids, it’s where your family memories are made.…

Photography & The Law

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Aug 12, 2010

When I was young(er), I wanted to be a professional photographer. I dragged expensive heavy gear everywhere I went, spent hours setting up amazing shots, and my basement is crammed with binders holding tens of thousands of slides to show for my efforts. You do remember slides, don’t you? Well, I sold a grand total…

Abuse Prevention And Consumer Protection Act

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Jul 11, 2010

Lawyers Reflect on the First Six Months of the New Bankruptcy Abuse and Prevention Act Q: What is the new 2005 bankruptcy abuse and consumer protection statute, and when did it take effect? A: The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005, a major reform of the bankruptcy system, was passed by Congress…

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