From Creditors, Predators & Bad Choices, And Will Help You Become a (Bigger) Hero to Your Family!
Top 10 Frequently Asked Questions About Estate Planning
The article highlights the significance of estate planning, the role of wills and trusts, the importance of consulting with an estate planning attorney, considerations for estate planning, and emphasizes the importance of professional estate planning services provided by Eric Ridley.
Planning for the Unexpected: Securing Your Child’s Future as a Single Parent
Introduction Estate planning is a crucial step for single parents to ensure the future well-being and care of their children.Single parents face unique considerations and challenges, making estate planning even more important for their specific circumstances.By creating a comprehensive estate plan, single parents can protect their children and have peace of mind knowing that…
How To Avoid Capital Gains Tax In Ventura County
Avoid capital gains tax in Ventura County The purpose of your estate plan isn’t only to draft a will. A properly crafted and implemented estate plan (drawn up by your friendly Ventura estate planning attorney) will eliminate two unpleasant outcomes: probate and conservatorship. Probate Eric Ridley is one of the Top Estate Planning Lawyers in…
Siblings Contesting a Trust in California: What You Need to Know
When a loved one passes, families hope to come together in support and understanding. But sometimes, inheritances and trust documents bring a different kind of tension, particularly among siblings. Rivalries, long-standing grievances, and misunderstandings can all boil over, especially if someone feels they’re being treated unfairly. If you’re in this situation or know someone who…
Estate Planning for Blended Families: Protecting Your Loved Ones and Ensuring Fair Distribution
Introduction Estate Planning for blended families is important to protect each child in the family, both biological and through marriage. The complexities and nuances of blended families bring unique challenges to the process of estate planning. These families may be dealing with issues such as children from previous relationships and the merging of different familial…
When is Probate Required in California?
If a person dies and leaves behind an estate, property, or assets in California that needs to be transferred to a beneficiary, probate is required. If a decedent’s property is left behind, the probate process provides distribution of that property to the heirs of the decedent. Survivors may also open probate proceedings if the decedent…
What Are The Costs Associated With Probate In California?
Hi, I’m Eric Ridley, an estate planning lawyer based in California. Today, let’s unravel the often complex and misunderstood topic of probate costs in California. Understanding these costs is crucial for anyone involved in estate planning or handling an estate after a loved one’s passing. So, let’s dive in and make sense of it together.…
Why Estate Planning Is Important
Once you have decided to create an estate plan, you will need to decide how you want to distribute your assets.
Why Should You Consider Naming a Guardian for Your Children?
As parents, we want to be around well into our children’s later years. We want to watch them grow and become the people they will become, as they possibly have and raise their own children. Or, at the very least, as they settle down with a few pets we can visit. But the stark reality…
Estate Planning for Blended Families: Protecting Your Loved Ones and Ensuring Fair Distribution
Introduction Estate Planning for blended families is important to protect each child in the family, both biological and through marriage. The complexities and nuances of blended families bring unique challenges to the process of estate planning. These families may be dealing with issues such as children from previous relationships and the merging of different familial…