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Is Bankruptcy Right for You?

The decision to file a Chapter 7, chapter 11 or chapter 13 bankruptcy in Ventura, Oxnard, Santa Clarita or Port Hueneme is not always an easy one for people. You may be worried that your friends or neighbors will find out that you filed for bankruptcy. You may be concerned about whether or not a bankruptcy filing is ethical or even moral. Or, you may have been taken advantage of and signed up with a debt negotiation or debt consolidation company (almost all of which are, in my opinion, unethical scammers).

If any of these reflect your situation, please feel free to give me a call or drop me an email. I will analyze your situation and circumstances, free and 100% confidentially, and I will give you a professional opinion as to whether a bankruptcy filing would be an appropriate solution to your financial problems. I will never pressure you. When you call me for your free bankruptcy information and consultation, you will never speak to an “account manager,” or to anyone but me – the bankruptcy attorney.

You may also fill out this free form, which will give me the information I need to help you:Please log into my comprehensive, SECURE, encrypted information form below (use your real SSN). Fill out as much information as you can, and I will give you a free, no-obligation analysis of your situation, and whether a bankruptcy filing is appropriate for you.

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Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley