From Creditors, Predators & Bad Choices, And Will Help You Become a (Bigger) Hero to Your Family!
Freedom Debt Relief To Pay $3.5 Million In Fines For Lying
Is Freedom Debt Relief a good company? Read these facts, and judge for yourself. Then, get your free bankruptcy consultation with me, in which I will tell you the truth about the best way to get rid of your debt. According to a lawsuit filed in November 2017 against Freedom Debt Relief, Freedom claimed to have…
Can I Keep My Car in Bankruptcy?
Can I keep my car in bankruptcy? In Chapter 7 bankruptcy, most of your debts are discharged (canceled). In return, you must give up nonexempt property — the bankruptcy trustee sells the property and uses the proceeds to pay your unsecured creditors. In practical terms, this means almost all debtors keep their cars. Whether you…
When the reality of the coronavirus Covid-19 initially began to sink in, people everywhere rushed out to buy toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and other items essential for staying at home indefinitely. Now that Covid-19 is an indispensable part of our daily conversations, individuals are becoming aware of another critical necessity: Coronavirus uncertainties emphasize the need…
I’m A “Super Lawyer!”
OK, it’s sort of cool. I was listed as a “Rising Star Super Lawyer.” It doesn’t mean anything, but it’s neat anyway.
Financial Elder Abuse In California
When a party accepts the fiduciary duty on behalf of another party, they are required to act in the best interest of the principal, the party whose assets they are managing. This is what is known as a “prudent person standard of care.” The prudent-person rule requires that a person acting as fiduciary is required to act first and foremost with…
Eric Ridley Attorney Testimonial
So grateful for clients like these: “Mr. Ridley went above and beyond for my family. He is extremely well-versed in laws as they apply to senior citizens, and was incredibly helpful in dealing with an issue we ran into with my parents, both of whom are seniors. Working with him gave us so much peace…
What Is Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
In many cases, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a better fit than Chapter 13 bankruptcy. For instance, Chapter 7 is quicker, many filers can keep all or most of their property, and filers don’t pay creditors through a three- to five-year Chapter 13 repayment plan. But not everyone qualifies to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy—and in…
Stop Irs Wage Garnishment With Cutting Edge Strategies Including Bankruptcy
If the IRS has garnished your wages for unpaid taxes, filing for bankruptcy can give you some relief. It’s only temporary, however: Bankruptcy doesn’t wipe out most tax debts. This means you will still owe them when your bankruptcy case is over (unless you pay them all off in a Chapter 13 repayment plan). IRS Wage Garnishments for…
What Is An Employee?
Who Are Employees? Employee status under common law Generally, a worker who performs services for you is your employee if you have the right to control what will be done and how it will be done. This is so even when you give the employee freedom of action. What matters is that you have the…
Can A Lien On My House Be Discharged In Bankruptcy?
My Creditor Sued Me and Got a Judgment Against Me. Is It Too Late to File Bankruptcy? Can Court Judgments be Removed in Bankruptcy? Usually, no. It’s still a good time to file bankruptcy. High among the many destructive and pervasive myths about bankruptcy that I hear from clients who call me for bankruptcy advice is the…