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Proving That A Transfer Was Not Made In Order To Qualify For Medi-cal

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Apr 11, 2018

Medi-Cal law imposes a penalty period if you transferred assets within 30 months of applying, but what if the transfers had nothing to do with Medi-Cal? It is difficult to do, but if you can prove you made the transfers for a purpose other than to qualify for Medi-Cal, you can avoid a penalty. You…

Choosing Retirement Account Beneficiaries Requires Some Thought

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Apr 7, 2018

While the execution of wills requires formalities like witnesses and a notary, the reality is that most property passes to heirs through other, less formal means. Many bank and investments accounts, as well as real estate, have joint owners who take ownership automatically at the death of the primary owner. Other banks and investment companies…

Top Ten Rules to Plan for Aging

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Feb 25, 2018

As an Elder Law Attorney, I am a professional planner and counselor to my clients. I have learned a great deal about planning ahead for the aging process, and about anticipating your future needs. 1. Talk to your family about your long-term care plans. These are difficult and painful discussions to have. However, if we don’t have…

10 Things That Happen When You Die Without A Will And Trust

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Feb 14, 2018

Why You Should Have A Will 58% of Americans currently do not have a will. For those with children under the age of 18, the numbers are even worse — only 36% of their parents and guardians have a will, meaning a full 64% of people who are taking care of minor children have no end-of-life…

7 Things Every Lawyer Should Know About Elder Law

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Feb 13, 2018

7 THINGS EVERY LAWYER SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ELDER LAW 1. Can my client sign legal documents with dementia? It depends on how progressed the dementia is and whether, at the time the documents are to be signed, your client has the requisite capacity. Courts have found that even people in the most advanced stages of…

Will My Debt Outlive Me?

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Feb 13, 2018

Have you ever wondered what would happen to your debts if you passed away before paying them off? Will your loved ones be obligated to pay your debts or will they simply disappear? Every person’s debt landscape is different, and the best approach is to create a tailor-made estate planning strategy to make sure your…

Six Myths About Medi-cal

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Feb 12, 2018

My job is to help my clients plan their estates properly in order to legally and ethically maximize the amount of benefits you receive from Medi-Cal, while preserving the maximum amount of assets and resources. My goal is for my clients to live with dignity and self-respect, with minimum government interference. Medi-cal Myth #1: Your…

How To Get Medi-cal And Not Spend Yourself Into Poverty

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Feb 11, 2018

Major Reform to CA Medi-Cal Estate Recovery – On June 27, 2016 Governor Brown signed legislation sponsored by which will make it easier to qualify for Medi-Cal without having to spend yourself into poverty. This new bill reduces the scope of California’s Medi-Cal Estate Recovery against the estate of deceased Medi-Cal beneficiaries. Medi-Cal can no…

Using Irrevocable Trusts In California Medi-cal Planning

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Feb 9, 2018

People often ask me about how and why we recommend irrevocable trusts for purposes of California Medi-Cal planning. You can obviously gift your assets outright, without involving an irrevocable trust. When you gift your assets, it’s simple with minimal costs involved – just the costs of preparing and recording deeds and the cost of preparing…

Sued By National Collegiate Student Loan Trust

By Estate Planning Attorney Eric Ridley | Jan 31, 2018

Sued By National Collegiate Student Loan Trust When you have been sued for a debt – when you’ve been sued for any debt, but particularly when you’ve been sued by National Collegiate Student Loan Trust – the creditor (the entity suing you) has to prove a number of things in court before they can get a judgment…

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