From Creditors, Predators & Bad Choices, And Will Help You Become a (Bigger) Hero to Your Family!
Sued By National Collegiate Student Loan Trust – What Do I Do?
Help! I’ve Been Sued By National Collegiate Student Loan Trust A large number of lawsuits have been filed against my clients by National Collegiate Student Loan Trust. I receive frequent phone calls from people who were surprised and upset to learn that they had been sued by National Collegiate Student Loan Trust. Most of these people…
How Tax Reform Will Impact You And Your Estate Planning
In December 2017, Congress passed, and President Trump signed a sweeping tax reform bill commonly known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This Act contains significant changes that will impact your estate planning and income tax situation going forward. Estate Tax Changes Starting January 1, 2018, the estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer (GST) tax…
Who Will Inherit Your Financial Wisdom?
Who Will Inherit Your Financial Wisdom? Passing on More Than Just Wealth Many people who inherit wealth or small businesses are at significant risk for essentially squandering the wealth. An Ohio University study shows that an astonishing 33 percent of all beneficiaries lose their entire inheritance within two years of receiving it. The ways they…
Why A Spendthrift Trust Can Be A Great Solution For Your Heirs
Why a Spendthrift Trust Can Be a Great Solution for Your Heirs There are many tools that can be used when putting together your estate plan. One such tool is a trust. A trust is a fiduciary arrangement, established by a grantor or trust maker, which gives a third party (known as a trustee) the…
Will & Trust Attorney in Oxnard & Ventura
Leaving a legacy that will be most beneficial to your loved ones takes some planning. If you’ve worked hard and accumulated some wealth, you want to be sure that you’ve done everything possible to provide a smooth transfer of your assets after you die to the people who mean the most to you. When you…
How To Identify A Debt Collection Scam
Recently a phony debt collection operation has been charged by the Federal Trade Commission with taking people’s money for fake debts they did not owe by posing as lawyers and falsely threatening to sue or have them arrested if they did not pay. The methodology the scammers used were to call people without identifying themselves…
Bankruptcy Pros And Cons
“Ask A Ventura Bankruptcy Attorney” This question was posted on Reddit today, and, since I was writing the answer, I thought it made a good post here (I added the pictures after posting at Reddit, though): Q: I’m thinking about filing bankruptcy for several reasons, one of which being a few repossessions for vehicles. What are the…
Are Debts Not Listed In A Chapter 7 Petition Still Discharged?
Most bankruptcy attorneys have run into this situation: A Chapter 7 client forgets to identify a specific debt to a long-forgotten creditor, a debt that for whatever reason also does not show up on that client’s credit report. It happens ALL the time. The Chapter 7 in this example is filed the trustee finds no non-exempt…
Should I Reaffirm My Car Loan In Bankruptcy?
I am not a fan of reaffirming a car loan after you file bankruptcy. If you are able to continue making payments on the vehicle without a reaffirmation agreement, you will eventually get the title to your vehicle. A reaffirmation agreement is a legal, enforceable contract, filed with the bankruptcy court, which lets your car…
How To Find A Great Bankruptcy Attorney
I’ve written a number of guides about all sorts of debt related issues but for some reason I’ve never written one about how to find a great bankruptcy lawyer. So here goes. Having lived through bankruptcy myself I am very familiar with what I felt when searching for a bankruptcy attorney. It’s bad enough suffering…